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International collaboration conducts comparison of Raman spectroscopic analysis of CVD-grown graphene

The results of an international comparison of the measurement of graphene, led by NPL, have been released. The work was conducted through the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) and in collaboration with institutes from around the world.The...

Researchers find TGA method useful for quality control of graphene powders

A research collaboration between The University of Adelaide in Australia and the National Physical Laboratory has led to the development of a validated analytical tool, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), for the characterization and quality control of FLG and...
New machine-learning method could characterize graphene materials quickly and efficiently

New machine-learning method could characterize graphene materials quickly and efficiently

Monash University scientists have created an innovative method to help industry identify high quality graphene cheaper, faster and more accurately than current methods. The researchers used the data set of an optical microscope to develop a machine-learning algorithm...

Graphene takes a step towards enabling end-users to maintain their own resistance standards

Recent research by NPL, Oxford Instruments, Chalmers University and Graphensic has enabled the quantum Hall effect to be realized at both lower magnetic fields and higher temperatures, whilst still retaining part per billion accuracies. The long-term collaboration...